Go up towards the grocery store and turn left when you pass it. Continue past the parking lot for Fjellkirka and follow the road diagonally upwards. The road goes down a little and follow small roads until you see an old farm house. There is a cul-de-sac that turns into a path.

The path is nice to follow, after a while there is a small slope which is the steepest on the trip. Here it is a bit rough with some big rocks. Eventually you reach Vesle Lunkefjell and past Vesle Lunken (lake). After Vesle Lunken, you go off on a smaller path to the right (northeast) up towards Sjusjøfjellet.

Continue over Sjusjøfjellet and over the next high point (with turntable) and down towards Store Lunken. Walk around the lake and up the ridge north of the lake. After 500 m you are at the top of Lunkefjell.

Take the same route back or choose another option, there are several. Ask for advice and a map at reception.

We wish you a nice trip!